Makalu Base Camp Trekking- 16 Days

Tour Overview

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16 Days

Trip Grade


Max group size


Best Time

Spring and Autumn

Tour Description

Makalu is a highly sought-after destination in Nepal due to its breathtaking natural beauty and challenging terrain. The trek takes you on an adventure route in the western part of Nepal, where you will get to explore the homeland of the fifth highest mountain in the world, Makalu Mountain, which is situated in the Makalu Barun National Park. This area is located on the northern boundary of Nepal and Tibet, and is known for its stunning glacier-filled valley, diverse flora and fauna, and rich cultural heritage.

As you trek through the Makalu-Barun National Park, you will be treated to incredible views of snow-capped peaks, including the towering Makalu Mountain, which is the fifth highest mountain in the world and the fourth highest in Nepal. Other notable peaks that you will get to see include Mt. Chamlang (7,319m), Mt. Barun Tse (7,129m), Mera Peak (6,654m), and many others. The area is also home to a wide range of wildlife, including the elusive snow leopard, red panda, musk deer, wild boar, and more.

In addition to its stunning natural beauty, the Makalu region is also known for its rich cultural heritage. The area is home to several ethnic groups, including the Rai, Sherpa, and Shingsawa (Bhote), who are mainly farmers. Despite their economic challenges and isolation, these communities have retained their unique cultural traditions and play a vital role in preserving the natural and cultural treasures of the Makalu Barun area.

The trek takes you through diverse terrain, including sub-tropical valleys, dense forests, and high pastures. As you climb higher, you will get to experience stunning views of the surrounding mountains and peaks, and pass through several culturally rich villages. The trek also involves crossing the High Pass of Ship ton La, which adds to the challenge and excitement of the journey.

Ideal Season for Makalu Base Camp Trekking

When heading for a hike, one must be mindful about the season they decide to go. And what exactly time of year is ideal for Makalu Base Camp Trekking? Hiking Bees advise you to reserve this excursion for the spring and autumn seasons.

Through splitting these seasons further, spring lasts from March to May. These are pleasant hiking months because of the milder weather. During this season, the flowers are in full bloom, and the pathway is lined with petals and leaves. Autumn, which lasts from September to November, is the second-optimal season. These months are characterized by vibrant clouds and a refreshing atmosphere. Normally, we advise avoiding hikes to Makalu Base Camp in the summer. Although, Hiking Bees would be pleased to plan a suitable trip to this destination if your timetable for visiting Nepal is scheduled during the summer.

Suggested Preparation: 

To undertake the Makalu Base Camp Trekking, you should have a good level of physical fitness and stamina. You should start preparing for the trek at least 2-3 months before the trek. Some of the suggested preparations include:

Physical Preparation:

Makalu Base Camp Trek is a physically demanding trek that requires a good level of fitness and stamina. You should start preparing for the trek at least 2-3 months in advance. Some of the physical preparation you can do include:

 Regular exercise: Start doing cardio exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming to improve your endurance and stamina.

Strength training: Incorporate strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg presses to build leg muscles and increase your overall strength.

Altitude training: You can train your body for high altitude by doing stair climbing, hiking, or trekking on nearby hills or mountains.


Mental preparation:

Mental preparation is equally important for as physical preparation. You should be mentally prepared for the challenges of the trek and be positive and determined throughout the journey.

Research: Research about the trek, its challenges, and the culture and customs of the region. This will help you to have realistic expectations and avoid culture shock.

Meditation: Meditation helps to calm your mind and improve your mental strength. You can start with short meditation sessions and gradually increase the duration and frequency.

Positive Attitude: Having a positive attitude helps you to overcome challenges and enjoy the journey. You should focus on the beautiful scenery and the experience rather than the difficulties.

How challenging is Makalu Base Camp Trekking?

The Makalu Base Camp Trekking, is the most popular and demanding hiking destination based on the unexplored trekking trails as well as feedback from hikers. Experienced trekkers won't struggle on this walk, but newcomers may encounter some challenges. As this is a high-altitude trek with unpaved roads, normal people can have difficulties in breaking and walking. 

However, there is always a workaround. Beginners may get ready for this hike by adding these practices to their daily routine: Walking in the dusk and at the dawn, Remaining hydrated, Meditation and Yoga, Remaining hydrated, Nutritional diets, Jogging, Going to Gym and so on.

You should plan your trip with warm clothes and comfortable boots for a pleasant hike along with raincoats or umbrellas as the weather of the Himalayan region is mostly drizzly. When in the journey, we are here to ease your hike with the availability of guides, who will give you directions and porters, who will carry your luggage and oxygen cylinders.

So if you are an enthusiast and an adventure-loving person, now is the chance to explore the Makalu Base Camp Trek– 16 days with Hiking Bees.


Makalu Base Camp Trekking by Hiking Bees

Hiking Bees is a professional Nepalese trekking company with a team of professional guides, who efficiently run a variety of treks and vacations. Locals from the region where you will be hiking serve as our guides and carriers. They are knowledgeable in hike routes and schedules and have received extensive training.  Makalu Base Camp Trekking is unquestionably a fantastic, ideal location for trekkers. We also suggest other alternatives if you're searching for other variations of Makalu Base Camp Trekking.

With Hiking Bees, you can travel anywhere for a reasonable price, capture your precious moments, and enjoy your vacation. You may schedule your upcoming travel with us straight away!!

Tour Highlights

  • Experience the stunning Arun Valley, considered one of the most picturesque trekking areas in Nepal.
  • Traverse through lush green terraced farmlands and dramatic cliffs, all amidst the pristine beauty of the Himalayan region.
  • Take in the breathtaking vistas of various magnificent peaks, including Mt. Makalu, Mt. Everest, Mt. Chamlang, Mt. Lhotse, and Kanchenjunga.
  • Observe rare and endangered wildlife like Red Pandas, Snow Leopards, and Musk Deer.
  • Explore the mesmerizing Makalu Barun National Park.
  • Hike along colorful trails adorned with blooming rhododendrons.
  • Encounter people from diverse cultures, such as Rai, Gurung, Shingsawa, and Sherpa.

Tour Includes

  • All kinds of transportation services, notably private vehicles and airport shuttles.
  • 3 nights lodging plus breakfast at a 3-starred tourist standard Kathmandu hotel.
  • Finest possible double-split lodge-to-lodge accommodation throughout the hike,
  • Breakfast, day meal, and supper are all included in the full board hike package.
  • One incredibly skilled, accommodating, and kind guide plus one porter (1 porter for two individuals), and all of the staff's meals, lodging, and so on.
  • Administrative fees and governmental taxes.
  • Hot bag for a goodnight's sleep.
  • Emergency Rescue Arrangement service which will be funded by your travel insurance.
  • First-aid supplies include an oxygen meter to check pulse rate.
  • Energy Supplements (Cookies, chocolate bar, etc.) once in a day.
  • Farewell dinner in a typical Nepali kitchen.

Tour Excludes

  • Your entrance visa and international travel costs.
  • Meals not listed in the "Daily food Inclusions".
  • Personalized hiking kit.
  • Traveling insurance.
  • Tips for guide and porter.
  • Drinks, snacks, water as well as other individual needs and expenses.

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1 : Flight from Kathmandu to Tumlingtar and Drive to Num Village (1505m./4937ft.)

Highest Altitude : 1505 m/4937 ft
Meals : B,L,D

On the first day, we will be taking a flight from Kathmandu to Tumlingtar. During the flight, you will have the opportunity to witness the awe-inspiring views of the snow-capped mountains, including the majestic Makalu, Ganesh Himal, and Mt. Kanchenjunga. After landing in Tumlingtar, we will embark on a scenic drive to Num village, passing through the charming towns of Khandbari and Hururu. This drive will provide you with ample opportunities to soak up the stunning natural beauty of the region.

Trek Distance : 10 km/6.2 miles
Highest Altitude : 1530m/5019ft
Trek Duration : 6 - 7 hours
Meals : B,L,D

As we start our trek on day 2, we will encounter a mix of ascending and descending paths that lead to the Arun River. The trail then passes through a suspension bridge and continues along a winding path to Seduwa. On the way, we will have stunning views of the rural landscape, bamboo forests, and traditional hillside villages with tea houses. Our trek will also take us through the Makalu Barun National Park, where we will have to register our permits at a checkpoint.

Trek Distance : 8 km/5 miles
Highest Altitude : 2065m/6774ft
Trek Duration : 5 hours
Meals : B,L,D

Today's trek is relatively easier than the previous day. We will be passing through undulating terrains and walking past several Mani walls and stone stairs. As we walk through farmlands, rhododendron, and bamboo-filled forests, we can hear the chattering of birds, including cuckoos, singing thrushes, and barbets. We will also pass through the small settlement of Chyaksa Danda and climb several stone steps to reach Tashigaon.

Trek Distance : 10 km/6.2 miles
Highest Altitude : 3562m/11686ft
Trek Duration : 6 - 7 hours
Meals : B,L,D

Our trek for the day starts with a climb up a few stone steps and crossing a bridge. We will be walking on an inclined path through a rhododendron forest, which is a beautiful sight to see in the spring when the flowers are in bloom. We will take a break at Dhara for lunch and refreshments after walking through the forest. The trail continues uphill, passing a large rock, before we arrive at Unshisa. Then we will climb stone steps through another rhododendron forest before reaching our final destination for the day, Khongma Danda.

Trek Distance : 12 km/7.5 miles
Highest Altitude : 3550m/11646ft
Trek Duration : 6 - 7 hours
Meals : B,L,D

The trek's major highlight will be the journey to Dobate, where we will cross high passes and enjoy breathtaking views. We will climb a path surrounded by rhododendron trees before reaching Khongma La at an altitude of 3873m, from where we can see peaks like Makalu and Chamlang. We will hike up to Ghungru La (Tutu La) at 4055m and then to Shipton La at 4220m, passing by mani walls and prayer flags. We will descend to Kalo Pokhari Lake, a sacred lake visited by pilgrims during the Janai Purnima festival. The ascent to Keke La at 4152m offers views of snow-covered mountain ranges, and we will descend through a beautiful valley to reach Dobate.

Trek Distance : 10 km/6.2 miles
Highest Altitude : 3610m/11843ft
Trek Duration : 5 - 6 hours
Meals : B,L,D

Descend through a pleasant forest of pine, rhododendron, redstart, and minivet, while taking caution as the path steeply falls toward the Barun River, especially in snowy conditions. Admire the snow-capped Chamlang and Tutse peaks along the way. Ascend to Themathang Kharka, passing by a beautiful waterfall en route. Cross a wooden bridge and hike on an uneven trail before reaching Yangle Kharka.

Trek Distance : 12 km/7.5 miles
Highest Altitude : 4510m/14796ft
Trek Duration : 7 - 8 hours
Meals : B,L,D

We will walk along a path that runs alongside a river and a small monastery, surrounded by lush vegetation and offering stunning views of rocky cliffs and mountain peaks. The trail will be mostly flat and enjoyable as we pass through grasslands such as Yak Kharka, Jhak Kharka, and Merek. Along the way, we will come across Mani walls and prayer flags swaying in the breeze. Eventually, we will reach Lagmale Kharka.

Meals : B,L,D

Langmale Kharka will serve as our acclimatization stop where we will have ample time to rest and adjust to the high altitude. It is a necessary pause to help us prepare for the rest of the journey. During this day, we have the option to take it easy, relax and recover from the previous days' trekking, or we can choose to go on a gentle hike to a nearby hill. Our experienced guide will advise us on the best hike to take based on our physical condition and the altitude.

Trek Distance : 10 km/6.2 miles
Highest Altitude : 4870m/15977ft
Trek Duration : 6 - 7 hours
Meals : B,L,D

Today, our destination is the Makalu Base Camp, the fifth-highest peak in the world. As we trek, we'll get a glimpse of Makalu and its awe-inspiring face covered in icefalls, crevasses, sharp edges, and seracs. The trail we'll be following has many twists and turns as it gradually descends. Along the way, we'll cross a river before arriving at the Makalu Base Camp, which sits at an elevation of 4870m. The striking view of Makalu will dominate the skyline, and we may also have the chance to spot a variety of birds, such as black redstarts, Tibetan snowcocks, and hill pigeons.

Highest Altitude : 4870m/15977ft
Meals : B,L,D

On this day, we will have our second opportunity to adjust to the altitude. We will go on a short hike to explore the nearby glaciers and lakes. The vast Barun Glacier lies beyond the barren Makalu Base Camp, and from there, we can enjoy the panoramic view of Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, and the beautiful south of Makalu. The trek's most satisfying conclusion is a hike to a ridge that stands at an elevation of 5,250 meters northeast of the Shershong on Peak 3’s lower slope. From this vantage point, we can see Everest, Lhotse Shar, and Lhotse in the northwest. The view of the stunning mountain peaks and long valleys from this spot is awe-inspiring.

Trek Distance : 12 km/7.5 miles
Highest Altitude : 3610m/11843ft
Trek Duration : 6 - 7 hours
Meals : B,L,D

We will follow the same path we took earlier and hike towards Yangle Kharka today. On our way, we will pass through Shershong, Langmale Kharka, and Merek, and descend before reaching Yangle Kharka. During the trek, we will be walking through a dense pine forest and appreciating the stunning alpine views around us.

Trek Distance : 10 km/6.2 miles
Highest Altitude : 3550m/11646ft
Trek Duration : 6 hours
Meals : B,L,D

Take your time and appreciate the beautiful scenery as we walk beside the winding river towards Themathang. The path will lead us through a dense rhododendron forest and across a bridge adorned with colorful prayer flags before we arrive at Themathang Kharka. Be mindful of the narrow trail as we pass through the landslide area with extra care. While trekking through the challenging terrain of the rhododendron forest, we will be rewarded with stunning views of the mountains. Our journey to Dobate will take us through a verdant forest with rocky terrain, passing through a picturesque valley.

Trek Distance : 12 km/7.5 miles
Highest Altitude : 3562m/11686ft
Trek Duration : 6 - 7 hours
Meals : B,L,D

During our trek to Khongma Danda, we will witness the awe-inspiring sights of Mount Kanchenjunga. We will follow the same path we took before and cross high passes, including Keke La Pass, before reaching Shipton La or Tutu La Pass. As we continue hiking, we will be treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding natural wonders until we reach Sano Pokhari Danda, which is a Hindu shrine. We will also pass by Khongma La, which is marked by a mani wall, and after descending a set of stone steps, we will arrive at Khongma. While there, we may have the opportunity to witness blood pheasants walking on the snow amidst the rhododendron bushes.

Trek Distance : 17-18 km
Highest Altitude : 1530m/5019ft
Trek Duration : 6 - 7 hours
Meals : B,L,D

From Khongma Danda, we will leave Makalu Barun National Park, turn around, and head back to Seduwa. After descending the stone stairs and crossing the bridge, we continue on a jungle path through a thick forest. We will cross several bridges. We will observe birds singing during the walk because the woodland is a habitat for several avian species. Look out for cardamom bushes and the farms scattered over the slope. We reach Seduwa by walking past the Mani walls and walking down several stone steps.

Trek Distance : 15-16 km
Highest Altitude : 518m/1699ft
Trek Duration : 7 - 8 hours
Meals : B,L,D

Begin the day with a refreshing hike through a vibrant village and extensive bamboo forests. Follow a winding path to reach the Arun River and cross a suspension bridge, where we'll be greeted with stunning views of the Nepalese countryside. Descend on large stone steps along the river before ascending and descending through a picturesque forest on our way to the settlement of Num. From there, we'll embark on a scenic journey to Tumlingtar along winding mountain roads, where we'll be treated to panoramic views of snow-capped mountains, lush landscapes, terraced farms, and hillside communities.

Highest Altitude : 1400m/4592ft
Meals : B

After completing the trek, we will take a local flight from Tumlingtar to Kathmandu, during which you can enjoy the stunning views of the Himalayan terrain from the comfort of the aircraft. Upon arrival in Kathmandu, you will be dropped off at your accommodation. Once there, you can take some time to relax and recover from the trek, or you can explore the vibrant city of Kathmandu and its famous Thamel district

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